2025-01-26 technetium
Toen we thuis kwamen van het KUNST IS NOOIT VER WEG! (Goes) Community Celebration Event bleek Krolik deze munt voor mij te hebbe...
2023-11-03 Ashrael
Vandaag per post deze mooie coin gekregen als dank voor een vriendendienst binnen de STT game. Dank, zeer blij mee!
2020-12-05 TeamHartvelt
I recieved this coin from GCRogier.
We are happy to have it. It is a beautifull coin
2011-08-28 Ruud4d
Mysteriously I got this coin after someone heard I did not have one yet. I will take good care of it. For now it is in its pouch...
2010-12-21 De Wijngemachtigde
Today I received this amazing coin in the mail as a donation for the 12 Provincien Geocoinrace 2011. What a great gift! And, as ...